Isabel Richardson

Isabel Richardson
Wellness Coach - Empowering you to create your own wealth, health and passion

Monday, 7 January 2013

Recommit to your Goals in 2013!


Whether you set your weight loss goals last week, last month or last year, it will probably seem like a long time ago especially after the "Festive Season".

But a new year means you can start again and I can help you. The first thing to do is to discover the benefits of Healthy Nutrition and also to establish how Nutritious your diet currently is. To do that Just click on the link below :

Please note it can take a few minutes to open because it is 8MB


Once you have been through the Presentation you will be ready to Reach your goals; you will thank yourself for reinforcing your commitments and succeeding.  If you find your overall goal difficult to reach, then set smaller more achievable short-term objectives and then keep setting new objectives until you reach your overall goal.

And remember, you can:


Warm the Shake and enjoy a soothing drink.

Add cinnamon and other spices for variety.

Add vanilla, rum, and mint extracts.

Freeze the Shakes and spoon them out.




 For protein, we suggest chicken without the skin, fish, lean beef, and don’t forget tofu. Tofu is high quality protein made from soy and very low in fat.  Plus it is full of good-for-you insoflavoines, which the scientific community is studying for their beneficial properties.  Add tofu to a mixture of vegetables and quickly toss in a frying pan, using a small amount of water for a steaming effect.  Add your favourite spices and Voila! – a wonderful balanced nutritious meal.

For your vegetables, we suggest green leafy vegetables – such as spinach, dark lettuce, kale, bok choy, etc, and broccoli, cabbage, carrots, and any combination of rich coloured vegetables.

A key point to remember is to try and limit your intake of starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn.



Additionally, throughout the day, make sure you drink plenty of fluid.  I always take one of the bottled waters, which are usually 1.5 litres and make sure that I drink at least two of these bottles each day.  The recommendation by the scientific community is eight – 125ml glasses of water or 2 litres each day.  But certainly drinking more is good as water helps to maintain appropriate body hydration levels, helps to clean out our intestines, and puts something in our stomachs so that we feel fuller.

And remember to add in HERBAL THERMOJECTIC BEVERAGE to any fluid you drink each day.

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