Isabel Richardson

Isabel Richardson
Wellness Coach - Empowering you to create your own wealth, health and passion

Friday, 22 June 2012

Your Herbalife Newsletter 23 June 2012

Everybody has weak moments in their diet when they can practically taste the salty, sweet, crunchy, or fatty foods they crave. Yet these are often the very foods that undermine your efforts to maintain your weight. After all, when is the last time you complained about craving cauliflower?

Follow these strategies to stop cravings in their tracks.
Get enough sleep. Loss of sleep increases hunger during the day, which leads to cravings. Getting the right amount of shut-eye could stop cravings.
Eat a healthy breakfast. For some people, cravings are part of a cycle of blood sugar highs and lows that can be kicked off almost the moment their feet hit the floor in the morning. A breakfast featuring a Herbalife shake is more likely to control this cycle. Consider trying one of our shake recipes for variety
Eat meals at scheduled times. The secret to stopping cravings is to manage hunger and “only eating at set times — space your meals and your snacks 2.5 to 3 hours apart
Make the foods you crave difficult or impossible to get to. No matter how much you love brownies, if you don’t keep any at home or at work, chances are your craving will pass unsatisfied. Instead, make healthy alternatives easy to access in your eating plan and prepare ahead for those times when you’ll need a healthy snack within easy reach, like when you’re on the road.
Find healthy alternatives. If you tend to crave sweet treats in the afternoon, having an apple with some nuts can prevent a mad rush to the vending machine for a chocolate bar. A yummy Herbalife protein bar is a fantastic option as it still gives you that sweet taste.
Identify your craving triggers. Emotional eating is a real phenomenon. If you pay attention, you may find that your cravings are worse when you are stressed or depressed. Managing those situations will help stop cravings.
Eat a varied diet. Sticking to the tried-and-true may help you count calories, but it could also leave you feeling unfulfilled. People need variety in their diets, so try all the recipes sent to you on a weekly basis. Just because you’re maintaining your weight doesn’t mean it can’t be satisfying.
Winter Warmer Shake
This shake is divine! Warm & comforting in the early cold mornings..... 
1/3 Cup chopped pear
1/3 Cup chopped apple
1/2 Small banana
Sprinkle the above with cinnamon & nutmeg and warm in the microwave for 2 minutes
Add some plain fat free yoghurt and your shake

Whiz in the blender and enjoy!!!
(Do not add your shake prior to warming in the micro as this can destroy the nutrients, only add afterwards)
Can be topped with a few pumpkin seeds or dried cranberry

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