Isabel Richardson

Isabel Richardson
Wellness Coach - Empowering you to create your own wealth, health and passion

Monday, 25 June 2012

What the Scale Is Not Telling You

It happens all the time. You've stayed on top of your workouts AND watched your diet every day, but then — Bam! — you hit that dreaded weight-loss plateau and can't get the scale to budge. Instead of getting angry at what the scale is saying, take a minute to think about what the scale is NOT telling you — like what a strong and healthy individual you're becoming. Do you have more endurance? Have you lost inches from your waist? Do you look better in your clothes? Don't be a slave to the scale. Weigh in only once a week, and the rest of the time just take note of the difference in how you're feeling.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Your Herbalife Newsletter 23 June 2012

Everybody has weak moments in their diet when they can practically taste the salty, sweet, crunchy, or fatty foods they crave. Yet these are often the very foods that undermine your efforts to maintain your weight. After all, when is the last time you complained about craving cauliflower?

Follow these strategies to stop cravings in their tracks.
Get enough sleep. Loss of sleep increases hunger during the day, which leads to cravings. Getting the right amount of shut-eye could stop cravings.
Eat a healthy breakfast. For some people, cravings are part of a cycle of blood sugar highs and lows that can be kicked off almost the moment their feet hit the floor in the morning. A breakfast featuring a Herbalife shake is more likely to control this cycle. Consider trying one of our shake recipes for variety
Eat meals at scheduled times. The secret to stopping cravings is to manage hunger and “only eating at set times — space your meals and your snacks 2.5 to 3 hours apart
Make the foods you crave difficult or impossible to get to. No matter how much you love brownies, if you don’t keep any at home or at work, chances are your craving will pass unsatisfied. Instead, make healthy alternatives easy to access in your eating plan and prepare ahead for those times when you’ll need a healthy snack within easy reach, like when you’re on the road.
Find healthy alternatives. If you tend to crave sweet treats in the afternoon, having an apple with some nuts can prevent a mad rush to the vending machine for a chocolate bar. A yummy Herbalife protein bar is a fantastic option as it still gives you that sweet taste.
Identify your craving triggers. Emotional eating is a real phenomenon. If you pay attention, you may find that your cravings are worse when you are stressed or depressed. Managing those situations will help stop cravings.
Eat a varied diet. Sticking to the tried-and-true may help you count calories, but it could also leave you feeling unfulfilled. People need variety in their diets, so try all the recipes sent to you on a weekly basis. Just because you’re maintaining your weight doesn’t mean it can’t be satisfying.
Winter Warmer Shake
This shake is divine! Warm & comforting in the early cold mornings..... 
1/3 Cup chopped pear
1/3 Cup chopped apple
1/2 Small banana
Sprinkle the above with cinnamon & nutmeg and warm in the microwave for 2 minutes
Add some plain fat free yoghurt and your shake

Whiz in the blender and enjoy!!!
(Do not add your shake prior to warming in the micro as this can destroy the nutrients, only add afterwards)
Can be topped with a few pumpkin seeds or dried cranberry

Monday, 18 June 2012

Your Herbalife Tip - Fill up wisely 18 June 2012

Fill up wisely

Our bodies need fuel to function, but it's important to make the right choices when it comes to "filling up".

  • Did you know that, on average, we make 150 food decisions a day, and they're not always healthy ones 
  • Should I have tea or coffee? Should I have full-fat milk or skim?
Make 7 healthy food choices a day

Even just 7healthy decisions a day will make a difference.
After only a week, you will have positively influenced your health and well-being by just making good choices during the week.

Ask yourself these 7 questions
1. Am I hungry or am I really just thirsty?
Often we get signals that we interpret as hunger when, in fact, the body is asking for water. Drink a glass water before you have a snack.

 2. I'm thirsty! Should I have a fizzy drink?
Colas and other fizzy drinks are full of sugar. An alarming 7 teaspoons per can! Make a choice to only have 2 fizzy drinks a week. Replace the rest with pure water or our fantastic Herbalife Thermojetics Beverage which will boost your metabolism as you drink.


3. Do I really need so much sugar? Could I be eating a "loaf of bread a day" without knowing it?

Count the sugar you have with tea & coffee - each tsp. has the same amount of energy as a slice of bread. Make a decision to halve the amount of sugar you use. Sugar has "empty calories", in other words, it gives you fuel to burn but doesn't give you all the vital minerals & vitamins that fruit, for example, would give you.


4. Am I right to skip breakfast?

The word "breakfast" originates from the phrase "breaking the fast". You've fasted all night and now your body needs food, so breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Start your day with a healthy Herbalife Nutritional Shake and start your day with loads of energy.
5. Should I be eating my meals on the run?

Life is busy but eating on the run means you don't digest your food properly - unless you have a Herbalife Shake which is easily digested, even on the trot. Take 15 mins to sit down and eat (preferably not in front of the TV) and you'll benefit in the long run.


6. I'm feeling peckish, is it time to hit the canteen for a packet of chips or a chocolate?  

Do you get that "snacky" feeling mid-morning, or do your energy levels sag Mid-afternoon? It's not unusual for this to happen but don't reach for the chocolate or chips etc, rather choose some fruit, yoghurt, handful of nuts & raisins, or even a few sticks of lean biltong. Chocolate will only give you a momentary boost. You can however have one of our delicious Herbalife Protein Bars!


7. My favourite TV programme has ended and I feel like a post supper snack. Should I indulge?
By now you should know the answer to that is a definite "NO"!!! Rather choose a Ryvita with a teaspoon of peanut butter, or a reasonable slice of cheese, or even some yoghurt… but no junk food!!!

Improving your health energizes your confidence and understanding that you can do well for yourself.
Self-confidence is worth all the junk food in the world.

Replace just two meals a day with a delicious healthy Herbalife Nutritional Shake and bring your goal weight closer in sight before you know it!

F1 Nutritional Shake

F1 Free from shake           F1 shake
R360.00                            R327.00


Raspberry, Peach, Lemon, Original

Protein Bars (14)

Vanilla Almond, Chocolate Peanut
& Citrus Lemon
Thought for the day
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."
- Dalai Lama -

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Your Herbalife Newsletter
Getting through winter the right way - 14 June 2012

Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you can fall back into your old habits…

·      While piling on the layers is one way to beat the cold, certain foods can help warm us from the inside.
·      As your appetite increases in these cold months. cravings arise for hearty warm comfort foods, warm drinks and spicier food, this does not mean you have to eat more!
·      Some food stimulates heat production more than others.
·      High Protein foods increases body heat more than starchy and fatty foods, so eat more of those and you will not gain as much weight.
This way of eating goes hand in hand with
·      the Herbalife Programme!
·      Keep eating breakfast! This is the most important meal of the day as it gets your metabolism going and this is crucial when trying to lose weight.
·      See below for a yummy shake idea, and a red hot flu fighting shot.

Cool Coffee Shake
2 Tablespoons vanilla or choc shake mix
1 OR 2 Tablespoons Protein Powder
1-Teaspoon Coffee
Splash Coconut Milk
Crushed Ice
Splash of Vanilla or Caramel Essence
Red Hot flu fighting shot
1 Crushed Garlic Clove
30ml Fresh Lemon Juice
1 Teaspoon Honey
1 Teaspoon finely grated Ginger
1 Red chilli, finely chopped
Combine in a glass and drink in one go!

If the above does not work look at using the
Herbalife Products Below:
           Multi Vitamin
§  Essential nutrients and antioxidants for long-term good health and vitality.
§  Helps maintain the health of bones, skin, hair and the immune system.
§  Supports healthy weight management.
Thermojetics - Available in 4 flavours:

Raspberry, Peach, Lemon and Original flavour
Herbal tea
Natural Stimulant
Contains green tea extract
Increases metabolism
Increases weight loss
Burns body fat, releasing energy
Helps control & normalize appetite
Rose Ox
  • Helps promote the antioxidant capabilities of vitamin E.
  • Rose Ox has the unique ability to act in a series of progressively active forms to increase potency and create a longer-lasting antioxidant effect.
  • Rose Ox is made with rosemary extract and blended with an exclusive combination of herbs to work synergistically with other antioxidants.
Thought for the day.
“Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not initiate,
to praise but not flatter and to lead but not manipulate.”
-W.A Ward-