Isabel Richardson

Isabel Richardson
Wellness Coach - Empowering you to create your own wealth, health and passion

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Thought for the day
“Learn and grow all you can, Serve and befriend all you can,
Enrich and Inspire all you can…”

Eat Smaller Portions, But Eat More Often
If your goal is to lose weight, the worst thing you can do is eat nothing all day, and then consume one big meal at the end of the day.
The body is a survival system
  • If more than four hours go by without food, your metabolism slows down in an effort to preserve energy and to help the body to survive.
  • This means that while ordinarily you might burn 80 calories an hour talking on the telephone, you will now burn only 60 calories an hour.
  • You could and should have eaten something earlier; you would have lost more weight.
  • Your goal is to feed your body so that you are not tired, you burn the maximum fat, and you are never hungry.  
The best way to do this is to eat more often than the traditional
three times a day.
The idea is to eat often, but eat smaller portions than usual! Every time you eat a little something, your metabolism speeds up in order to process the food taken in and release energy to you more promptly for use.
Here are some results to inspire you!!!!!


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