Isabel Richardson

Isabel Richardson
Wellness Coach - Empowering you to create your own wealth, health and passion

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Your Herbalife Newsletter:Wellness-A way of Living
A Diet of Excellence
The food you eat today will determine your health tomorrow (and far off into the future). "Sooner or later, we all must sit at a banquet of consequences,"
 observed Robert Louis Stevenson. Actions drive results. Always.

Congratulations! Your lifelong wellness plan starts today. If you are enjoying the Herbalife Products then you are definitely on your way to healthier living and more energy than you can imagine.
You have taken the time to sit back and reflect on your life and set some goals. No, I’m not talking about a New Year’s Resolution or something that will satisfy others. This time, you’re ready to do it for yourself, your body and your health.
Only one thing stands in the way: your schedule.
Ahh yes, the dreaded schedule. Chances are, you’re juggling work, your social life, and maybe even a few kids and college. How in the world can you possibly lose weight without spending your entire life in the gym and giving up all your free time to hit the treadmill and throw around dumbbells three or four times a week?

The answer is simple: Know what you are doing, when to do it, and how to do it.
While working out, eating right, and making a lifestyle change might seem pretty straight forward and self explanatory, most of us simply don’t have the time to do it or so we think.
If I tell you that you could burn more fat in about the same time it takes you to cook dinner or watch a movie, would that be something you’d be interested in hearing? Sure it would! Keep reading to find out how.

1. Make Your Meals In Advance

One of the most common excuses in the world of fitness is that you eat unhealthy because you don’t have time to eat clean. How can you fix it? Make your meals in advance. Take an extra 20 minutes every Sunday to throw some boneless,skinless chicken breasts into the oven, boil a dozen eggs or steam a few bags of broccoli then pack them into individual containers of Tupperware and put them in the fridge. These will keep you from making a stop at McDonald’s or buying a candy bar out of the vending machine while at work. It should help you get through the week while you keep yourself healthy.  
If you are used to not eating breakfast and or you wake up munching on toast in the morning, you can slowly make a switch by preparing a Herbalife shake or a 7 egg white omelet with an apple to kick start your day.  Remember, it’s very important to nourish yourself with a healthy “mini-meal” for breakfast so you can re-fuel your body for another day.

2. Get Moving Before Breakfast

Let’s assume that you get up for work or school in the mornings around 6 or 7.  Let’s adjust it a bit. Try getting up around 5:30 or 6:30 and get in a quick exercise session. Not only will it make you feel better but you will also boost your metabolism and increase your energy which will help you get through the rest of the day.
You don’t have to go to the gym or  anything like that. Just get up 20 minutes to a half hour earlier than usual and do what you can. Stretch, get in a quick jog around the block, do some yoga and throw in some squats or burpees.
Be creative and have fun doing it.  You’ll be surprised at the results after a few weeks. If you have more time than that, even better! Just make sure to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up, get into a quick workout and grab a healthy breakfast before you leave the house.

3. Track Your Progress
By setting small and regular goals, you will be able to track your progress which will keep you motivated to continue as you reach them. It may take you an entire 5-10 minutes but is essential in motivating yourself and setting yourself up for success.  You can do this while you’re standing in line at the grocery store, at home right before bed, during your lunch break at work, or while watching your favorite TV show in the evenings after dinner. Just find some time to record your goals every day.
Invite your friends and family to participate.
Losing weight is 90% mental.  You can workout like an elite athlete or eat very healthy but if your head isn’t in the game or you are always conscious about how many calories you are burning, then you’ll most likely give up or fail.  You don’t need to weigh yourself daily as I don’t encourage this. The scale may mean that you are losing fat but gaining muscle. More importantly, you need to focus on how much fat you are losing. Track your progress by going by how your clothes fit. Remember to celebrate each milestone as you achieve it along the way.
So, there you have it. You have 3 simple yet effective ways to boost your weight loss efforts in less than 90 minutes a week.
Have some time left? Make the most of it! Go for an extra walk or prepare your healthy grocery list. Anything that works toward your goals is considered productive. 90 minutes goes a long way and if you incorporate these 3 methods, you’ll see the results fast and right before your eyes.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

One of the biggest complaints people have about healthy eating is the perception that it requires more hours in the kitchen to prepare nutritious meals. With Herbalife’s F1 Shake and Protein powder you can be assure to get the maximum nutrition for the minimum price and low-kcal.

As you will see at the bottom information, today’s food gives us little nutrition with too much kcal, so you need to eat more food to get your RDA (recommended daily allowance) in everyday!

The choice is YOURS


Wednesday, 29 May 2013


The nutrient quality in our food has gone down tremendously!
Yes! The shake has all nutrients that your body needs but sometimes we need to get something more targeted for winter!!
The following supplements can be added to your daily routine!

Multivitamin Complex - R159.00
  • A daily multivitamin and mineral for long-term good health.
  • Includes antioxidant vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and selenium, to help protect cells from free-radicals.
  • Supplies B vitamins, including folic acid, B6 and B12, which are essential for energy production and help maintain healthy homocysteine levels that are already within a normal range for cardiovascular health.

Cell Activator - R265.00
Great for Stress - contains all your B vitamins
Helps to ensure your cells to absorb essential nutrients from the food and supplements you consume. 
Each cell in the body has to perform two main functions: 
1 - Releasing energy in the form of ATP through a series of biochemical processes known as the Krebs Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation.
2 - Using energy to perform its function, whether it is a brain cell, liver cell or lung cell. Without a regular supply of essential nutrients, this release of energy at a cellular level can be inhibited.
Thermojetics Herbal Beverage - R233.00
  • It protects against heart disease.
  • Has been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, because its potent antioxidant effects inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries. 
  • It improves your immunity.
  • As a bonus it helps burn fat and can help speed up the metabolic rate because its antioxidant effect helps the liver to function more efficiently.
  • It helps greatly with water intake during the colder months when we do not feel for 'cold' water.

Friday, 24 May 2013


My amazing Herbalife journey.

I feel better at 50 than I did at 40. I am having the time of my life.
I have gone from a size 54 top to a size 38 and from a size 26 to 18 in my pants.
When I bought my towel I could not get it closed around my body. Now I can and still some.
Every single week I can see a change in the shape of my body. I love it!
One of the biggest blessings is that I have rediscovered who I am.
I have learned to love myself again and to be a friend to myself.
I have the most amazing energy levels.
I am still losing weight.
If I can do this anyone can.
I love the fact that I am building lean body muscle.
I really feel fantastic.

To date I have lost 46 kgs still got 30 to go.
Cheryl Evans


Get started on our program today!

 Isabel Richardson
011 675 1678

 View our latest product brochure here!!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Let me help you get results like these!!!!!

Join our shape up challange Go to


Monday, 25 March 2013

 Launching Soon Shape-Up challange In Our Club. Details to follow soon.

Keep your eyes on your on your Inbox


Results like these are Possible when you take the Products!!


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Does a healthy breakfast really make a difference?

“Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper.” Know this saying? Yes. Live by it? Probably not.

Do you remember as a child your mother saying: ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.’ It’s not an old wives tale; having a good breakfast plays a vital role in leading a healthy life.

When you eat the right foods at breakfast, it sets you up for the day by kick-starting your metabolism, providing a steady stream of energy to keep you going in the morning, plus it can help to manage your appetite – great news if you’re on a diet plan.

Breakfast and metabolism

Metabolism is the physical and chemical processes that create and use energy in the body. The break down of the food we eat and its transformation to energy is a function of metabolism. While you sleep the body’s metabolism slows, as its food supply is deprived and its energy requirements is only for essential bodily functions. So you can imagine, if you don’t eat breakfast, your metabolism stays as this slower rate and doesn’t get that kick-start it needs for the day and to give you more energy.

Breakfast and energy levels

If you try to start the day, without fuelling your body with the right food, you’ll likely to end up crashing mid-morning and reaching for ‘quick fix’ snacks to keep your energy levels topped up. These unhealthy snacks are often high in sugar, high in fat and lack adequate protein. They cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then dramatically drop, meaning your appetite won’t be satisfied for longer than about an hour. You can maintain a steady stream of energy by eating a healthy balanced breakfast, particularly one that provides a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates.

Breakfast to lose weight

Think you lose weight faster by skipping breakfast? Think again. It actually slows your weight loss efforts because it slows your metabolism, a driving force behind your weight loss. But be sure to eat a healthy breakfast – one that’s balanced in key macronutrients such as complex carbohydrates and protein. Including adequate protein for breakfast is especially important as it helps you feel fuller for longer so you’re less likely to crave unhealthy snacks mid-morning.

Need some healthy breakfast ideas?

Eat foods such as wholegrain muesli with nuts, fresh fruit and low fat yoghurt; wholegrain toast topped with eggs and sliced tomato; or oats with skim milk, nuts, seeds and fruit. Watch out for breakfast cereals that are high in sugar, fat and salt. Herbalife makes it easy to have a perfectly balanced breakfast even on the run with a  Formula 1 shake or a Formula 1 Bar.


Thursday, 7 February 2013

Thought for the day
“Learn and grow all you can, Serve and befriend all you can,
Enrich and Inspire all you can…”

Eat Smaller Portions, But Eat More Often
If your goal is to lose weight, the worst thing you can do is eat nothing all day, and then consume one big meal at the end of the day.
The body is a survival system
  • If more than four hours go by without food, your metabolism slows down in an effort to preserve energy and to help the body to survive.
  • This means that while ordinarily you might burn 80 calories an hour talking on the telephone, you will now burn only 60 calories an hour.
  • You could and should have eaten something earlier; you would have lost more weight.
  • Your goal is to feed your body so that you are not tired, you burn the maximum fat, and you are never hungry.  
The best way to do this is to eat more often than the traditional
three times a day.
The idea is to eat often, but eat smaller portions than usual! Every time you eat a little something, your metabolism speeds up in order to process the food taken in and release energy to you more promptly for use.
Here are some results to inspire you!!!!!


Thought for the day

"A woman is like a tea bag - you can not tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."

- Nancy Reagan –




Eating better doesn't have to be complicated – these small diet changes can help make a big difference. The road to better health seems like an uphill battle. With every small step you take and each healthy decision you make, you do get closer to your goal of improved health. One of the most effective ways to do this is by eating a balanced, healthy diet.


Think of streamlining your nutrition profile into stages.
These three diet changes will not only set you on a healthier path, but will also urge you on to make further adjustments — and before you know it, you'll feel confident that you can make the right food choices to maintain good health.

How Small Diet Changes Make a Difference

Being fit and healthy doesn't mean that you can’t indulge in a slice of birthday cake or bowl of ice cream. It just means that you don't do it every day. Always tell yourself as long as you do the right thing most of the time, you will be successful in being healthy. By doing the right thing most of the time means implementing simple dietary changes, which will add up by the end of the week.


Diet Change No. 1: Cut Back on the Alcohol


It's amazing how quickly calories add up, especially those you drink. And the empty calories in alcoholic beverages can be the first place to start cutting back.

While drinking in moderation has been found to have a few beneficial effects, drinking more than this amount can have negative effects on health.


      My recommendation is that men drink no more than two drinks per day, and women drink up to one glass per day.

      To avoid these poor-health pitfalls, set guidelines that make it easier to stick to your alcohol limit.

      Make a rule not to drink during the week.


Diet Change No. 2: Opt for More Vegetarian Meals


A vegetarian meal can be delicious, filling, and less expensive than a meat-based meal.

      A vegetarian meal that isn’t cheese-based is lower in calories and packed with disease-fighting benefits from the additional fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals that are all found naturally in vegetables, a diet high in vegetables can help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.

      If you don’t feel satisfied with an all-vegetable dish, opt for vegetarian recipes with meat-free protein choices, such as beans — garbanzo beans, pinto beans, black beans. Beans, split peas, soybeans, and lentils offer low-glycaemic carbohydrates with fiber and quality protein.

      These also stabilize blood sugar, fill you up, and improve energy levels. Try a lentil soup packed with vegetables for a hearty, healthy vegetarian meal.


Diet Change No. 3: Pack Healthy Snacks


      When mid-afternoon hits and you’re starting to get hungry again, you may be tempted to visit the vending machine.

      Avoid this unhealthy food habit by packing your own healthy snacks to bring with you.

      Here are a few healthy snack ideas that are easy to pack for work or when you’re on the road:

·         Sliced apple with peanut butter

·         A piece of fruit with 8 almond nuts

·         Hummus and baby carrots

·         Low-fat yoghurt with a piece of fruit

·         A Herbalife protein bar

·         Low-fat yoghurt with a piece of fruit

      Keep snacks at your desk or in your bag so that you can grab a quick and healthy snack as soon as you feel your belly start to rumble.

      Make snacking a regularly scheduled activity. Eating about every two and a half to three hours allows you to maintain energy and focus, as well as lose weight or maintain ideal body composition.

      Begin your mornings with the Herbalife Nutritional shake.


All it takes to start changing your life is a few basic first steps. Before you know it, you'll be in the habit of making healthier choices for every decision you face.


Saturday, 2 February 2013

A Diet of Excellence
The food you eat today will determine your health tomorrow (and far off into the future). "Sooner or later, we all must sit at a banquet of consequences," observed
Robert Louis Stevenson. Actions drive results. Always.
I encourage you to take your diet to it’s next level. Eat excellent food. Fuel your body with only the best. Consider yourself an elite athlete – putting only superb nutrition in so you only get superb results out. 
Change your life with HERBALIFE and stock up on your Shake, Fibre & Herb, Multivitamin, Herbal Aloe and Thermo to get you started for GREATNESS!
  F1 Shake R343.00
F1 Free From Shake R378.00
Fibre & Herb R142.00
Multi Vitamin R159.00
Thermo Tea R233.00
Herbal/Mango Aloe R327.00